User Friendly Award - time to nominate your web page

On 11 May at the eCommerce Days in Kista, the most user-friendly Webshop of the year will be chosen. Nominate your favourite

This is what we are looking for

You have found exactly the gadget you want to buy. And now? Which webshop in Sweden makes you feel welcome and guides you safely and inspiringly through the entire online purchase.

Hey, it is you

Nominate someone who has such a webshop or nominate yourself. Here you give the enterprising entrepreneur who has created the store with love and care, a chance to win this year's most coveted award in eCommerce "User Friendly Award 2016" - the award that says you value your customers.

The award is a temperature gauge of how far we in Sweden have come in 2016 in the development of smart e-shops based on experience, craftsmanship and good design. View the Jury